Free Optin Templates
Here is 7 Free Optin Form templates you can use to build your list.
Plus good news for WordPress users – You also get a Free WordPress Plugin which displays the optin template you choose on any page of your WordPress blog. This takes all the hard work out of this job.
These templates can be used on any website so you don’t have to worry if you don’t use WordPress.
Example Blue Optin Template
Free Optin Template
Example Red Optin Template
Free Optin Template
Example Green Optin Template
Free Optin Template
Assorted Colors and Multiple Uses
These templates come in assorted colors and can be embedded directly into a minisite squeeze page, or can be “popped” over your Wordress blog with an awesome lightbox effect (where the page fades out and the optin box is is “Lit” up).
The WordPress plugin is also supplied and is also 100% FREE.
Grab Them Now
Get all 7 optin templates along with the totally FREE WordPress plugin here.
The Top 10 questions to ask when creating your next web form.
please send forms
Why is it so hard to access the templates? This looks like just a hook to sell you 4.1 plug-in stuff.
Just optin to his list and get the templates, that’s it.